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KUNE: It MUST be magic

There's a place on a hill, somewhere between two bustling cities. It's a simple place. The air is clean and it overlooks a valley, where you feel like if you made the plunge you'd probably start to fly. If the weather is right, there's the waterfall to add to your view and if the rain is heavy it'd probably be alive enough to spray you with some of it's water. 
There's something about this place.
It's captured our hearts and always leaves us wanting more or planning to go back.

This place is Kune.

Sometimes you wonder what really makes a place special.
As a student of architecture, I'm into studying and designing places and spaces.
There are so many parameters we have to consider. From function and form to the colours and textures.
As someone who's done a fair share of travelling, I'm familiar with different kinds of places.
From simple minus one star hotels in some obscure part of the country with bad roads, where there happens to be a beautiful specimen of historical Indian architecture to what could easily be considered a five star cruise ship.
My point being, for a place to become really special to you, none of that matters. 
What matters is your experience there.
What happened to you while you were there.
The natural, human or spiritual encounters you have at the place.
The interaction with other people, known to you or not.
The relationships you develop. 
The bonds you make. The ones you tighten.

In the pictures above, two things are common.
i- The place. Kune.
ii- The apparent, unmistakable joy in the faces of the people there.

It's strange not to be a part of the 2010 crowd. In fact it's what's gotten me all nostalgic.
It's reassuring and slightly saddening to see how things continue. 
How all we can really do is enjoy where we are right now and give it ALL we've got.
Because before us, someone did just that. And is probably better for it.
And after us, many more will come along and do the same.

We've made golden memories at Kune, and we're not even close to done yet.
It's the place we planned amazing races and pushed our creative limits (and watched some of our ideas literally burst into flames while we prayed- anyone remember the famous cellophane lanterns?).
The place we took charge and became leaders.
The place we fought on the playing field and sometimes bled, till we won.
The place we enjoyed ministering angels and cross-dressed way beyond what would be considered 'scandalously'. 
Where we conned people into washing our plates and where we told ghost-stories that weren't scary at all.
Where everyone was brave enough to bet on the girls in a boys vs. girls wrestling match and we lost. (We left our marks though!)
The place where monkey's attended sessions and a black dog would chase them around.
Where long afternoon treks under a blazing sun were totally worth it just 'cause of the waterfall reward in the end.
Where every night we'd sit in silence around a candle's flame listening to the gentle strumming of a guitar and we'd sing under stars.
Where dancing and football were at loggerheads for the 11 to 1 session.
The place we even brought in a new year while burning quite a good looking old man.

The place we went to escape from everything, and somehow found more of what we were looking for than we expected.
The place where broken friendships healed and new ones formed.
The place where some of our aching hearts found comfort and strength.
The place where friends fell in love. Where they still do. 
Where one even went on to propose sharing his life with the one he loved.
And she said yes.

Words couldn't be enough to describe what Kune means to us. But I urge YOU (yes, YOU reader.) to leave behind your memories of this place in a comment on this post, if Kune meant anything to you. 
Who knows! Maybe when we're all old and grey, I'll use this at some re-union and we'll laugh with the joy of it all. But it's an awesome feeling just reminiscing the times right now too!

To the memories,
being alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!

To Kune. 
Our's forever.


rohitthomas said...

dont do this to me...i jus got back!!!!
missed u there!
hoping to catch u in june...please donot disappoint...

Mehvash said...

You said all that I would have, and then some.

It's the magical, happy place. The place that has never been tainted with heartbreaks and fights and tears. The place where the wind feels different, as does the sky. The place that never ever lets you down, every time you go back.

My favourite Kune moments? Rishika being thrown around by Vivek and Mihir. The Jonathan surprise. Ryan hitting on Jake. Condom ads. Screaming at the ledge on arrival. Sitting at the ledge with Dave, talking about love and life while staring at the sky. Sitting at the ledge in total silence. Rhea and her bananas. Crying for no explainable reason during the Last Supper. The Rajnikanth play (Rajni jokes have only just started. We've been way ahead man!). Sleeping in the same bed year after year, with the same people on either side of me. Feeling lazy every single year to trek till the waterfall, and thanking God I did when I was under it... I could go on and on. But then if I do that, I might as well write my very own blog post.

Unknown said...

"The place we went to escape from everything, and somehow found more of what we were looking for than we expected" i know theres another line for me.... but this one fit perfectly too....:)
to me.. kune is just divine.... it knows wat i need and gets it to me :)....its the place i think of when m blue..cause it just leaves me with so much to feel about... the valley wind in your hair just after bath..the longing for moments between sessions to plan "presentations" or prayers.. the craving to get some mid-day sleep..the kulfi treats....the newly met sweethearts craving to be in the same grps...
its made a mark in my life that i cant really explain....its made me the memories tht make me go insane :P .. n no matter how many pretty places i might have seen or will see in the future....this me.