Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: Storytime


'Cause that's what it is.
This is our story.
Ok. This (as in, this blog) is mostly mine.
But these moments... they're ours. 

(This is all stemming from one long epic conversation about everything and it all seems very out of context now, so never mind... Just think about YOUR story, later. I'm sure you'll pause and go "whoa!" for a moment. And with every fibre of my being, I hope the "whoa!" is one of good feeling.)

I'm finally done with the 'submissions' for the the fourth year of my course.
And for us, if you survive submissions and vivas, exams are quite a breeze.
(If you have enough of a gap in between, that is.)
But, stress levels are definitely a lot more in control.
Life seems FUN and full of positive energy again.
Not that it wasn't before,
but lets just say... 
HUGE difference!

So, I've been up to a whole lot of uplifting things since the submissions got done...
which include peaceful studying for an upcoming paper.
Most (not all) of these things I could capture in a picture... 
So, starting from the morning of my last submission to today,
this is my picture story.
(obviously I don't have evidence of everything, but this is what it is so far...)

The mess that was home and college, until we were finished. 
Once and for all.
Now, in no particular order...
The fun stuff!

Finally catching up on movies, and watching some again!

Catching up with friends in more ways than just chatting! =)
(this also amounted to some self discovery. More on that in the next post!)

Got some new reading material, branching out from what I'm used to, for sure.

Doing what I love, and not just in the shower!

Sweet Emotion!!
(the black forest ice cream at Hokey Pokeys. My favourite mistake today! Serendipitous in every way. GO! have!)

Pedicure! Electric blue toes, and soft feet. 
*happy sigh*

Finding a place that brings back memories of the awesomeness that was almost every Sunday in the past! 
And, a happy reunion, of sorts!

Fake tattoos!

Dancing like no one's watching, 'cause no one's watching, 'cause they're all dancing!


Cheers to everything that makes you happy.

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