Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: November 2011


I started re-reading this today!
Random Extract:


Choose to do the right thing, the tough thing - not the familiar, easy thing.
Choose the way of the warrior or the way of the coward.
Make your choice out of love instead of fear.
Choose from the heart.
Choose to live fully, not to sleepwalk through your life.
Choose to respond with the way you really feel, not the way you're supposed to feel.
Choose the mineral water over the soda; choose the lemon juice and olive oil over the blue cheese; choose the walk in the park over the ride to the mall.
Choose simplicity over extravagance.
Choose conversation over the television.
Choose to talk things out rather than stew in your anger overnight.
Choose compassion and generosity.
Choose to smile instead of frown.
Make your own choices in your own time and choose to stick with them.

-Rachel Snyder. 

Focusing Energy

We're only young once.
Then again, I suppose you could stay young till you die.
Depends on how you see things.
If you see it the second way, the till-you-die way, then I suppose your energies are focused rightly to begin with.
If not, what are you wasting your energy, or to give you the benefit of the doubt, focusing your energy on?
(I have to say that, although I might be dishing out benefits of doubts, I'm really none the wiser about where my energy is being wasted or correctly focused. 
Ok! Actually, to be fair, I WAS none the wiser. 
The introspective wardrobe, I've adorned myself with over the past few weeks, had a bit of a role to play in the change of tense.)

The apparent conclusion, after some collaborative situational analysis (with trusted, like-minded, equally introspective forces of nature), seems to be that for now, for our approximate age-group (plus-minus ten years.. ok maybe not minus!...) the right attitude is a selfish one.
Now don't be shocked and start recommending shrinks!
I don't mean selfish to the extent of converting yourself to a sour, cold rock that is bound to be extradited by society overall! 
I mean selfish to the extent of making sure you're investing enough time in developing who you are and what you want to be! 
If not now and always, then when? When you're older and dead?
Channeling energy into things you love doing and want to achieve has got to be more gratifying than spending it on pointless fretting over changes in relationships and insignificant events in the past! 
(Again, I'm just guessing here!)
But of course, it's obvious anyone would want to be able to reap the returns of energy put into anything.
It's about being able to recognize when you're putting in more than you're getting back;
and having the strength to say, 'enough!'.
It doesn't matter how badly your energy tries to convince you that there's enough of it to keep giving where there's no getting, it's important to remember that you don't want to be many years down the line looking back and thinking, 'well, that was a waste of my time!'

If anything is true, it's that the heart can always see rightly. (Read The Little Prince!)
Even if you're not out there wasting your energy on un-watched displays of whatever, your heart always knows what you want and how you feel, even if the objects of your wasted energy do not.
So, in the spirit of some righteous selfishness, its ok to stop. In fact, it's better.
(These are all assumptions and deductions. Don't take my word for anything. I'm simply thinking through my fingers here!)
But I was good at theorems!

I have to suddenly abort this post now, or I could ramble on, endlessly!
I'll just say.
Stop wasting. Start focusing!
(If you want! :))
I'm going to try.
I found a picture titled "Rise of the Radiant Goddess" with Google Images!
Of course I had to use it! *rolls eyes*!