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Everywhere you go; you can’t help but compare what you know so well to what you’re experiencing in the moment.

Be it the food you eat or the streets you walk.
My first bite into the street meat in New York on a rainy day got me thinking of the sausages we fry back home and roll in a chapatti once in a while.
Walking fifteen minutes in Canada’s bustling Downtown made me think of Pune’s MG road for a few distracted seconds…
I was enjoying weaving in and out of the crowd. I’m guessing it’s something us Indians are especially skilled at.
But, what I really enjoyed was being able to look around while doing that…
On MG road you’d probably catch me walking with my head down, eyes glued to the road! (Stepping in shit is one of my biggest fears now that I’m not afraid of the dentist anymore!)

I just got back from one of the longest vacations I’ve been on!... Yet.
We did a lot of travelling, covering part of the Caribbean, a few places in the U.S of A and Canada. I don’t know how many times I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I absolutely love travelling! Initially, I thought I’d make regular entries to my blog in the course of the holiday, for the sake of preserving my memories in as much detail as possible and sharing the experience in general.
That obviously did not happen.
Between experiencing (a small part of) the world, spending time with the friends and family we were holidaying with and keeping in touch with people back home, writing regularly, didn’t fit in. I don’t regret it, because I suppose I did more justice to where I was by living it more than documenting it.
There are certain things that I do want to write about and I will, in my own time… (This is usually how I function – In my own time!)

But what I was thinking of when I started writing (and as usual babbled away from) was that it’s so good to be home again!
After getting back, I spent one day alternating between sleep and unpacking/cleaning up.
Day two was straight into college- a whole three weeks late! I had to get some Xeroxing done and while waiting for it, I actually caught myself grinning quite stupidly at all the chaos around the shop! From a man next to me trying to convince the shopkeeper to get his stuff Xeroxed, even though he was well aware that my sheets were still underway, the two-way traffic on the road outside that’s really not wide enough for it, to the continuous honking!! I missed it. I missed it a lot!

Yeah, they’re more organized in the west. And yeah, it’s a good thing! And yes, India will eventually get there. (God alone knows how, but She will.)
But for now, I’m just happy to be able to hop in the car and drive ten minutes to pick up things, meet someone or go to college as opposed to walking to a bus stop, catching a bus to a subway, riding a train for an hour and then finally getting anywhere! Call me lazy!
I loved doing all of that, while it was in the whole “holiday”/ “new experience” scenario. But, I suppose I’ve gotten used to the convenience here and the chaos is a small price to pay!
Oh well, as much as I enjoyed this break from it all…
Honey, I’m home!

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