Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: Lock the door, leave the world outside.

Lock the door, leave the world outside.

The 21st of September is a very special day for two people who, to me, are more important than most other things in the world. I miss them terribly. Even though circumstance forces us to be physically apart (as it has for some time now), I still know they're never really gone.
I think of them often, and I send out little prayers to the universe and the other forces at large, to keep them safe and happy, always. Even if I may be terrible at keeping in touch, mostly because I'm too busy allowing life to toss me around, they're always in my heart. There's one single song out there that reminds me of them. So, as I thought of them and missed them, I YouTubed their song... This video brought tears to my eyes. It's simple and thoroughly beautiful in that simplicity, much like their love.
Even the candle at the beginning reminds me of any home they live in together.

When it comes to relationships, there are no two people in the world I look up to more. Maybe, my parents. But even they're of a different time. (No offence to the folks... But, it's true.)
Yesterday was the 21st of September and also the 11th anniversary of a journey I've seen from the start.
A journey I remember in phases, only because it wasn't exactly mine. Although, I was traversing my own course alongside the whole time.
I've seen this bond begin, grow and continue to exist and only grow stronger. And I cannot help but think to myself, 'How lucky they are!'.
But luck is just a small part. I recognize how there's a lot of work involved too. 
It's a labour of love. The best kind of labour there is.
Nothing has ever convinced me more that Love is really all you need. True Love.
Two people, with true love on their side, versus the world. And I believe that has the power to make anything work.
Love is all you need. It's as simple and as difficult as that.

"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life." 
 Elizabeth Gilbert

I think a soul mate isn't just the person who helps you be the best you can be,
they're the ones who at the end of the day love you not only for your shiny, sparkly prettiness (which, very often, is the only thing the world will accept you for), but also for all the ugliness you have to offer. When you find that, it's definitely worth holding on to. 
I sit in my orange and blue room and think of all these things, and my chest fills with mixed emotions I can only release in a deep sigh! I now know what I want of love. And as much as they give me hope and the power to believe that it truly does exist, I'm fearful of not experiencing it myself or somehow, stupidly letting it pass me by. I shouldn't be. I'm only 21 after all. But am I too safe with my heart for my own good?
Those are silly, although completely normal, worries to have.

At the end of it all, my heart fills with a warm and fuzzy feeling as I think of them now...
They're apart and always together.
They fight as passionately as they love.
They've grown and continue to grow.
And I love them, as one, and each on their own.
I can only hope to be as in love some day...

To 11 years of life so well lived, it feels like 11 minutes
To the future. 
Many minutes, more. Much richer, a life.
You inspire me. You give me hope.
And you're part of the reasons I believe in love.

"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows

Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

And the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows

Higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide

And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart..."


Unknown said...

I admire your understanding, your depth and feel happy for you. I can only Thank God for His miracle that is slowing turning in to a lovely young lady, who will go miles and miles before she's through.
We may be from another time, but you reflect timeless thoughts and wisdom that brings joy to our hearts. We can only say, "Carry on Lara, you are great "

Laralils said...

I love you Dada! =)

Marsha said...

I'm totally in love with this post la... Absolutely. It's funny and awesome and weird why I had tears in my eyes!!! :) tight hugs....

Laralils said...

:) Thanks So much Marsha! Hugs