Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: Dance with me!

Dance with me!

A Leo Sayer original, but I like this cover!

Do you dance?
Would you like to?
Dancing is brilliant!
Sweet release of every kind of emotion.
I can only stand back and admire those to whom it comes naturally... 
especially those who've dared to take it on as a career.
I salute you.
It has that power-range, from pure discipline to breaking all the rules!
It inspires.
It thrills.
It makes you feel alive. OK, it makes ME feel alive.
And when life gets monotonous and I start to feel like one of those dead-girls-walking, 
I think about how, it's all really nothing that a good hour of music and dancing can't set straight!

There was a time I was the shy, reluctant to get on the floor, kind of person.
I've come a long, long way.
I couldn't care less what I look like now! 
When I'm in the mood, I'm on the floor. And I stay there...
until breathing becomes difficult.
Sometimes, even after breathing becomes difficult.
Not something I'd recommend, though.

When I think of the reasons... 
More often than not, I don't have any.
Or is that me kidding myself?

Who or what makes you feel like dancing? 
Go on, now! Dance the night away!

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