That's a comment Toi, one of my friends, made in response to a remark Raa, another friend, made in jest about how we need to find something better to do with our time, than take silly pictures.
(Of course he was kidding. =) I know that. But I LOVE that response!....)
Ok, It's not the complete truth. But when I think about it, it's not entirely false either.
And when I think of "WE", I think of the everyday, young person out there, struggling with this roller-coaster ride we call life!
I had an intense weekend, in more ways than one.
It was eventful; involved meeting lots of people and doing lots of different kinds of things.
Supremely FUN.
I've spent Monday pretty much just recuperating!
For once, don't tell me why I don't like Mondays. =)
But in the course of this weekend,
I've learnt a little more about technology. Another step in the right direction to overcoming Software on the battlefield of submissions. I've come to terms with the fact that flat tyres usually happen in pairs. It's happened before. It happened again. And if it doesn't happen again? Hey! I'll be pleasantly surprised.
It's probably better that way, to expect that everything has the potential to be worse.
I bonded over cakes and coffee with people I'd missed and sat at a crowded table in a coffee shop, catching up, laughing and bickering with old friends I don't get to see often enough, minus the holidays.
I watched action packed movies with star casts and hardly slept. And I realize how much I value sleep.
I know, "I'll live while I'm alive and sleep when I'm dead" is even an anthem of sorts. But really, sleep is just a very important part of life. MY life, anyway.
I drove more than I'd drive in 5 days put together. But, I love driving. I just wish the roads we're subjected to in this wonderful country were all maintained 'military style'.
The highlight of the weekend would be discovering Swami Chinmayananda, his philosophy and visiting the Vibhooti ashram in Mulshi. I'd still want to read more on his take on things before I blog about it or anything. But it's nice to expose yourself to what seems like "enlightened thinking" once in a while. It makes you think beyond the realms of our tiny minds that are very often easily trapped in the monotony we coast through, day in and out. The visit may have been for dissertation-al purposes, but coupled with good company and an epic personality with a funky accent, it didn't feel the slightest bit like work.
All of that, with good music in the background at all times, many silly games AND a bunch of sillier photographs, if not for the memories, just to prove it all happened.
Life isn't always this interesting. I'm glad even! I haven't built the stamina for it to be like this everyday.
Besides, I love not doing anything just as much as I love being busy.
It's my judgement in when I choose to do what that could probably use a little fine tuning!
But things are interesting enough.
As for life?
Taking it as it comes is a good way to do it, I've found.
November's been quite the month. I've felt everything.
I've done some of the things I planned and successfully avoided some.
If you read my first post this month,
I still stand by the fact that the wind in my hair on this crazy ride feels really good.
And I feel like someone gifted me a navigation system for the car I'm steering through space as well.
It's preset, obviously.
It's taking me somewhere for certain. I trust it.
But I'm not about to mess with the settings.
LOVE it. But,
ONE step at a time.
December. Show me what you've got.