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Haha! I just replied to a John Mayer tweet!...I called him a Rumour Starter! Cheap thrills at their best, huh!
So, I'm totally new to Twitter. 
I don't have much of an opinion about it actually. It's different with Facebook though; we've had time to bond.
I just recently logged on to Twitter (after ages) and the first thought through my mind was, 'ok. Glorified status updating and no one to care because I don't have too many followers.'  The few friends I was following before I never went back, a while ago, obviously didn't have much they wanted to tweet about... 
Then I decided to go against all my Bon Jovi principles and follow some celebrities. 
(We weren't born to follow right?...)
Of course I'm like every other fan out there who wants the likes of John Mayer and Oprah on my list! duh!
Now what?
I suppose for celebrities its cool. Any publicity is good publicity right?
Especially if your fans think it's coming straight from your fingertips. That makes me wonder...
How many of those high rollers have friends or colleagues or employees tweeting for them? Sheesh... what suckers we are for the famous. I'm not going to be hypocritical and say.. yeah right! who gives a sh*t about John Mayer man! hello? I do! (He's very hot!)
And yes, my small little interesting-in-its-own-way life will still go on if he doesn't Re-tweet (I'm getting in with the lingo!) me... But you can be sure I'll be blogging Bazooka(with a capital "B")-like if he does! haha! watch for it! ;) until then, 
I must get back and pacify FB; I'm no two-timer you see... not unless... 

1 comment:

Marsha said...

haha - i identify with the john mayer magical realism ;P i mean that's as far as tweets go rite??? :)