Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: A New Beginning

A New Beginning

For every thought I paid no attention to
and every opinion I was too afraid to share,
it's time to make amends.

In an effort to rekindle the fire of my love for the written word
and nurture that flame, I'v built 'The Shelf'.
I intend to stack it, bit by bit, along the way.

I can only hope that those who drop by to refer
to these clumsy notes will leave
with a lingering attachment,
one that will only keep them coming back for more!

1 comment:

Malliers said...

If Music is the food of life...then good verbal expression is...well, er...the food of life! it staple, supplementary, sweetdish, salad or snack!Delighted ,my darling, at your verbal dexterityThat's a new find[always suspected it was there!..thats your oleknowitall mom!]in an old love! Keep it prolific;keep it perennial.Fluid, freeflowing, let it keep you forever fulfilled and fulfilling!Waytogo!