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Memories of Baby Nicola!

(Background info to this post: 
I chanced upon this poem that I wrote many years ago, for a little baby that touched my heart! I cannot even begin to describe how happy it's made me to remember her. This, then new born, baby was found lying in a garbage can, with a body covered in bruises and, god knows what kind of, bites! She was rescued by a sister who takes care of street children who've been orphaned, abandoned or who've runaway from lives they've found too hard to deal with. The home for these kids is called SADDAC, in Daund. A beautiful place. Baby Nicola was there for a while, and from what I last heard, I think she was adopted and is probably living a much happier life now! I couldn't find a photograph of her, but here are some of the other smiles you'll find there.)
She looked around
So innocent, vulnerable, scared.
We were but strangers.
She looked on, not knowing we cared.

How could she? Why would she?
When all the world had shown her was hate.
This child lay beaten, bitten and torn!
Thank heavens for a kindlier fate.

An angel to look at,
with eyes that grasped you like stars.
She laughed with a cackle, so rare.
And it drowned in the joy that was ours.

A babe, now happy and safe,
delivered from pain and sorrow,
has a place. A home.
A whole lot of brighter tomorrows.

This plan that God has confuses me.
In it, there's space for triumph, as much as blunder.
My best guess is that it's his testament to his most complex creation
-The human, it's spirit and infinite wonder.


Unknown said...

:) i remember u telling me abt her!poem fits so perfect .. like its written only fo her! :)

Laralils said...

It was.
I wrote for her.
wow man! like, what? 4 years ago?!
So long!