Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: Thank you!

Thank you!

In general, I feel like I have a lot to be thankful for!
More so, in the past few days!
And I'm the kind to be quite verbal and expressive about how I feel...
So, I really don't think twice about a heartfelt "thanks or sorry or I-love-you or you're-a-jackass-piss-off"!
But, one thing that kept coming to my attention was the reaction from the people I thanked! 
Especially friends.
They almost always seem to respond with, "Arre! What thanks and all? You're mad o-what?!"
But no, I'm not! :)
I honestly believe it's good to let the people you love know you appreciate them! (Of course it's not necessary all the time, but when you get it! Take it!)
After all, if your closest family and friends don't know how you feel, who ever really will? :)
I'm reminded of one of my all time favourite songs.. Also, the same song my sister and brother in law had their first dance to..
So appropriate!
Thank you for loving me! :)

1 comment:

rohitthomas said...

i really wanted to put up somethin lik this on my blog...i always think i never thank anyone enough of im completely shameless bout this...this jus reminded me how much we owe our loved ones but never stop to appreciate it!!!!