I even forgot that I had that account! Unlike my Hi5 and Orkut accounts, where I took the pains to delete my information at least, my Yo4Ya page continued to exist in all its loneliness, victim of my neglect.
So, here's the part where I confess to having googled myself.
Yup. Guilty.
Get over it.
And thats where Yo4Ya made a surprise appearance again. And with it came so many lost memories!
So, as I set out to delete things one by one... I came across some old photos, some of my first few attempts at blogging and a really old take on myself, BY me. (the about me section, that is). It was nice to see how things as much as they have!, haven't really changed at all.
I still
like being barefoot but also having clean feet,
hate brinjals more than anyone I know,
love the 'peace' symbol,
enjoy the awesomeness of multicolouredness,
think that white water rafting is something I MUST do again and everyone must do at least once,
collect junk jewellery,
wouldn't listen to trance or heavy metal out of choice,
need to sing, dance, be creative,
need to pick up my socks about a lot of things,
can't cook to save myself.
Time is such an awesome contradiction sometimes.
So, I just felt like posting some of the things I'd written (the post on Baby Nicola was one) and some of those old photos I found, for my sake, my memories and that reassuring feeling that no matter what happens, somethings stick around for good.
(Excuse all the horrible punctuation etc... I wanted to leave it all unedited :))
-November 8th, 2006(or so)
Ive never had a diary.Although I do have one particular book that I write in on rare occasion & it doesn't qualify because my entries to it are 3-4 months apart,only when Ive something to babble bout,more often than not,
nonsensically & confidentially! (otherwise I'd prefer to call a friend!)
Ive never explored my capabilities in freewriting!
I'm not sure if my lack of patience to actually collect my thoughts & give them a structured body or simply the fact that an artistic mind (which I'm quite sure mine is,definitely more than it is scientific or analytical)would prefer to gauge random thoughts & different ideas & have a long conversation about them,rather thn pen them down,is to blame!
That aside, Ive been urged by my mum, to try more! Shes liked reading the few essays Ive written.
You can tell alot bout a person from how they wirte!!Superficially-through handwriting & Substantially too! Reading blogs & commenting on them,I've always enjoyed.
Guess its time to switch sides.
-Sometime around then I s'pose (2006)
Last Night was a reunion of sorts, with friends (Jo n Bruce!) i havent hung out with in a while...It was a fun time. We'd started off deciding to watch "a" movie..That decision didnt hold very strong, we ended up watching 4!!
Yeah, you dint read that wrong! :)
It started off with lindsey lohans "just my luck" (not the best movie) then.. "the untouchables" (one of those timeless robert dniro, kevin costner flicks.Must Watch!) I think we might've called it a night then, but my friends soon learned i hadn't seen "the scarlet pimpernel" (& tht of course was unacceptable) but it was a fun movie!(by my standards!) and since we were wide awake there was room for 1 more! there had to be... it was "grease"!
"I got Chills, They're multiplyin'!"
-My take on Reality! (2006)
My conclusion is that "reality checks" are just these moments in time where u stop, look at what you're doing, realise its wrong, change for a while, then realise its too hard, you were happier being wrong, and then you're back to square 1!
Its a vicious circle.. and I'm trapped!
My conclusion is that "reality checks" are just these moments in time where u stop, look at what you're doing, realise its wrong, change for a while, then realise its too hard, you were happier being wrong, and then you're back to square 1!
Its a vicious circle.. and I'm trapped!
now THATS a "reality check".
Fully agreed. That is exactly what a reality check IS. Very nicely put, 17 year old Lara.
21 year old Lara, I agree. It's always the best, most comforting feeling to realise "that no matter what happens, some things stick around for good."
Especially old friends - no matter where, when, how long. Just a little reassuring feeling *I* came to realise over the last few months.
I remember that night! :) i fell asleep as grease started....
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