Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: Where have all the Sundays gone?

Where have all the Sundays gone?

(Click on the links... It goes with the flow =))
To me, Sunday epitomizes the ultimate day!
My Sundays have always been so important to me.
The one day I refuse to feel guilty about not doing anything, except have a good time or just relax.
(Sometimes, I do that midweek too, but I make it a point to at least 'feel' guilty!)
Of late, my Sundays seem tainted. 
They hardly ever exist without the dark Monday-submission cloud looming over them.
Apart from actual Sundays.. 
just the word - "SUNday"
It makes me think of happy sunny scenes in my mind. 
Just the picture perfect scenario, where theres a sun shine- thats not too harsh, and a multi-coloured background of anything pretty with happy people in a happy place, literally and figuratively.

I was just cruising through some blogs, between my "submission" and lunch, and I read three blogposts, one after the other. All by different bloggers and all quite in the dumps about different things.

I get it.
I really do.
I may not feel exactly how they do right now, but I've been there.
For the moment, I'm in a kind of limbo. Feeling blue and colourful at the same time. A mess.
But this is about them.
When I say them, I mean anyone out there who feels like the only song they can sing right now, is the all gloomy, thoroughly depressing sort.
You know, the "I went to your wedding... and everyone was crying" types... 
(Man! I cannot explain how much I dislike that song. Hate is a very strong word. So, yea, I DISLIKE it!)

The hopeless, eternal optimist (as I've said before) in me today, just feels like sending out this message to anyone who may cross paths with it. Especially while, I feel like I'm in the state of mind to send it out myself...
There's always a way UP from your downest, down.
Whether its music or art or reading or brainless comedy on TV (which is really not brainless at all! It takes some pretty smart people to make things so ridiculously simple, that you can't help but be amazed!) or whether it's through the people around you.
Find your ladder. Start climbing!
As hard as that may be. It most certainly is easier said than done. But, it CAN be done.
We could sit around wallowing in our thoughts about how we're always making the same mistakes...
Or we could turn it around. 
Make it ours.

Either way, bring Sunday back!


Pranjali said...

Again, your post just cheered me up! Shit does happen and I just need to get over it. Thanks Laa for making my Sunday a bit sunny! :)

rohitthomas said...

so it was pranj sonia and me huh :P
thank u so much meant a lot today...think belief in humanity is slowly returning...