Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: For Cuckoo

For Cuckoo

To my darling Cuckoo (yes, the ultimate form of embarrassment for you! =] I’ll count on your forgiveness),

You know my wonderland is incomplete without you, only cos you’re my Alice. =)
You’re the one person I can talk to about absolutely ANYthing.
You’re also the one person I can bring down buildings with, when we fight. But, at the end of it all, nothing changes.
I’ve loved all the times we’ve spent talking, laughing… and crying.
Best Friend.
Soul Sister.
You inspire me to be the best I can be; to try anyway.
You kinda suck, for making it look so easy! Sigh. =)
I can only wish the best for you, always.
I know for a fact, the people you’re about to meet have no idea what’s coming.
Are they in for a ride, Mallier style, or what!?
You bring life to the party; whatever, whoever, wherever the party!
And I know, that you’re always going to be ok.
(Don’t ask me how. I have my sources.)
I’m going to miss having you around. (In the flesh.)
But if time is good at anything, we know it’s at flying.
I mean, really. You’re 2 years short of Pearliness! J
So, Happy Birthday!
God bless
I love you
I’ll see you soon.

All my love,

1 comment:

Yolekha said...

thank u my larakinsyou :)i love being your alice cos u never fail to add wonder to my land!love you love you love you