Follow LarikaMallier on Twitter Random Party: My favourite things.

My favourite things.

Without realizing it, (until now anyway)... I collect stuff!
I always knew I was a bit of a hoarder... whether it was with old books, clothes, drawings or little knick knacks that are actually thoroughly useless. (But I figured I could use them in some future arty [or otherwise] venture nonetheless!)
But there are a few things that I unconsciously started to collect, just because I liked them.. or in some cases, because people noticed I liked them, so they spontaneously began to contribute to what I can now call growing collections!
(In case you're wondering, this realization is a moment of joy in my life! =D
Hence this need to document/ share.)

I'm going to list these collections... well, the ones I want to maintain anyway.
I'll start with my oldest most famous:

1.] Junk Jewellery!

Of course I think real diamonds are gorgeous and fancy stones are exquisite and gold can be nice once in a while. But, if you REALLY want to get me in a frenzy, take me to goa/ mahabalipuram or some such place and show me the cheap, colourful stuff. Now, THAT I love! For many reasons.
Its not timeless, no. In fact its time-bound! This stuff is probably not that strong, going to fade or rust easily and very likely to brake if you aren't careful. But there's variety to live off! And you pay in installments.
My justifications really don't need to make sense to you.
'Cos at the end of the day... (and my brother-in-law would agree) ..
I'm a Mallier Girl, "and I like it, I don't care!" (lol)

2.] Harem Pants!

If they're one thing, it's comfortable... and sometimes very colourful!
And I'm all for colour and comfort!
They beat denims out of my preferred clothing ballpark, any day of the week. 
Although, I have to confess, my latest sweat-pant discovery might threaten this collection.
Oh, well, It's been good. 
(And yes, SWEAT pants are awesome.)

3.] Peace Signs!

I'll let the picture speak for me here.
This one's going to be big. :)
And I have a lot of people to thank! 
I really don't know how this fascination for the peace sign started, with me. I just know that I've loved it forever. Now, it's just a given. And, who wouldn't love what it stands for. I suppose it helps that it's kinda linked to everything flower-child-like. 
Peace, Love and all that ****!

4.] Badges!
This bunch surprised me too.
Completely unintentional, and I can't wait to see how far it goes.
But here's to surprise gifts, random urges to buy smiley faces to suit the mood and wild, wild bachelorette parties! 

5.] Photographs and Souvenirs!

Souvenirs, don't really count. I know.
But photographs! OH! Photographs.
You've got to love a still that captures raw emotion or even staged emotion for that matter.
And, if a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm a freakin' gazillionaire! In words, anyway.
Lets just say, this collection is a threat to us growing older.
So, everyone I know, watch for surprises at your 50th birthdays or wedding anniversaries... or otherwise.
*evil grin*

these are a few of my favourite things. :)

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